
In this portfolio, you'll find a variety of projects I've undertaken, showcasing my expertise in UX design, frontend, and backend development. My work spans multiple industries, highlighting my versatility and commitment to creating solutions for real-world challenges.

A web app that examines source code repositories to create a network of dependencies among files and components.

motivationAs a side project, I developed a tool to assist coders, like myself, in visualizing their codebases. This idea stemmed from my experiences with large codebases, where I often struggled to find a starting point for understanding them. Using this project as a learning tool, I built a recursive decent parser from scratch to parse source codes, generating a dependency tree to facilitate comprehension of a codebase.

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A web app that mimicks the operations of an Enigma M3/M4 cipher machine developed by Germans during WWII.

motivationFor a cryptography class final project, I chose to reverse engineer the Enigma machine by researching how it encrypts messages, analyzing each output of the ciphertext characters and the behavior of its components during encryption. Originally, I built it in Node.js and sha it as library on NPM. But later, I decided to rewrite it in Rust as a way to improve Rust programming skills.

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